Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dad's Victrola


Dad was by a long since gone vernacular, “a cool dude”. He, by occupation was a “builder”; he built roads, warships, and houses.  He had little time for “projects”, what some of us now refer to as hobbies but always made time for his children. He took great pride in his work, yet even as a youngster, I understood that his basic credo was family, the work was a means of providing for his family. It was the basis of immense pride for me, then and now.

Somewhere along his life journey; he bought, was given or bartered for an old Columbia Granfonola, a Victrola by another name. Of course it didn’t work, our economic means dictated that we often obtained the frivolous things we wanted by fixing something that was no longer of use to someone else. A life lesson, I think. I asked for the record player when Dad passed away, it has made several moves with me and has been on my “to do” list for many years.

New Year’s resolution, 2012:  Listen to some good old blues on Dad’s Victrola. Maybe some Robert Johnson, Pine Top Perkins or the like, does it really matter?

Project status: The problem has been identified; a broken mainspring. This particular player has a 4-spring motor; that is approximately 60 feet of springs. Sixty feet of nasty, greasy coiled steel just waiting for an opportunity to reach out and give the uneducated (that’s me) a big black greasy kiss.  The springs are now out and sitting on my workbench awaiting the much needed cleaning and I still have both eyes, all my fingers and no blood was shed. I have located a source for a replacement spring…stay tuned in…

James 1:2