Saturday, July 16, 2011

Black Label Cigar Box Guitar

...under construction

20 fret, 25" scale, 3 string cbg.  Poplar neck, bracing, tailpiece and body attachment.  Oak fret board, chrome 18:1 sealed tuners, piezo transducer pickup with volume control, body attachment, "Cross" medallion.  
G/D/g tuning. Very light strings, G-.022" wound, D-.014" plain steel, g-.10" plain steel, producing a slightly zither or dulcimer tone but very responsive.
Body attachment: custom bentwood, removable and reversible.

 Phillip Hansel with his new cbg.  I had the pleasure of being present and meeting Phillip for the first time on the evening he received the cbg as a gift. Phillip is a new friend, dedicated engineer, juggler and very talented musician.  Check out Phillip and some of his interesting projects at:

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