Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Introduction to DiGiorgio Guitars

  A 1964 DiGiorgio No. 32.  Rescued from the scrap heap, it was one of those projects the owner planned but never got around to. It was in very poor condition, the top had several cracks and was separating from the body at the lower bout.  I cleaned it up, cleated all the cracks and re-glued the top, adding quality strings and a proper set-up.  
  How does it sound? This little gem rocks; with a beautiful full bodied tone (if texture had sound, think warm maple syrup), surprising volume and exceptional playability.
  So, I am one of their newest fans and would love to hear your DiGiorgio story.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bovine Anatomy 101

August 3, 2011 - A conversation on the front porch between Grady (my grandson) and myself. Grady: Why is Sally (the dog) by the fence? Papa; she went out to see the bull pass by. Grady; Where? Papa; right there. Grady; That doesn't look like a very good bull. Papa; Do you know what a good bull looks like because that one is a very good bull. Grady; Really? Papa; Yes, didn't you see that set of wheels? Grady; They have wheels?  A very big eyed Grady ran off to see the wheels on the bull. End of conversation...

Posted with his Mother's permission.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Windmill Man

In Memory of Norman Luther Finch
May 10, 1917 - November 5, 1994  

At a place amid fields of tall grass and days of a fourteen hour sun, his life's journey began, his race was set to run.  
  Loving parents taught him the things he knew, West Texas values; honest, tried and true.  He learned how to walk and when to make a stand, a simple beginning for the windmill man.
  He was many things to many people; a son, a brother, a life mate, a father, a grandfather then great, a friend to all who knew him with a heart the size of our state.  
  But, oh those windmills, he loved each and every one, the brand didn't matter or even if they would run.
  He loved them all, both old and new, he found strength in their endless cycles and even their quiet times - he loved those too.
  The black disease took his body as his family held him near, we prayed for his spirit and now hold his memory dear.
  Gone but never forgotten and finally boots that fit, a king's ransom I'd gladly pay for one minute more, just to talk and sit.
  Dad, how I grieve at your passing, no one left I must impress, but joy for you, joy for you, no more pain or suffering, only peace and rest.
  Now your days are spent in heaven, listening to the angels sing, always we will cherish the feelings that our memories of you bring.
  And now, according to God's master plan, there is only peace, a special peace, just for the windmill man. 

                                                        I love you Dad,
                                                        May 10, 1995

"Gran Puro" in progress

Look for this one on Etsy!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Black Label Cigar Box Guitar

...under construction

20 fret, 25" scale, 3 string cbg.  Poplar neck, bracing, tailpiece and body attachment.  Oak fret board, chrome 18:1 sealed tuners, piezo transducer pickup with volume control, body attachment, "Cross" medallion.  
G/D/g tuning. Very light strings, G-.022" wound, D-.014" plain steel, g-.10" plain steel, producing a slightly zither or dulcimer tone but very responsive.
Body attachment: custom bentwood, removable and reversible.

 Phillip Hansel with his new cbg.  I had the pleasure of being present and meeting Phillip for the first time on the evening he received the cbg as a gift. Phillip is a new friend, dedicated engineer, juggler and very talented musician.  Check out Phillip and some of his interesting projects at:

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why is our water bill so high?

My daughter sent me this video about four years ago, I ran across it recently and thought it was worth sharing.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Quality Cigar Box Guitars for Sale

Cross Knives Cigar Box Guitars

We have officially joined the "cigar box guitar revolution" and now offer the highest quality, custom made creations for your musical enjoyment.  The cbg is a primitive chordophone with a very long and colorful history; it uses an empty cigar box for a resonator. Early instruments had one or two strings compared with the three or more used in today's models.  

 A cbg is generally tuned to an "open" chord, which means they are easy to play. They can be played as an acoustic, electric or slide.

Today's expansive selection of strings and pickups has  taken the cbg's performance to the next level. As both a player and experienced luthier, I am committed to producing the highest quality, custom made cbgs at affordable prices and offer a wide range of design options and accessories.

A sample:

Red, one of my personal CBG's, an electric three string screamer, shown with optional  body attachment.
3 String Models starting at just $79.00.
This model features a fingerboard with .023 pre-cut fret slots 
which will work great for slide guitar.  Frets can be added later! 

Basic models have a wood resonator box, oak or poplar neck, a 25" scale, 20 fret oak fingerboard, quality 18:1 chrome tuning machines, piezo transducer pick up with volume control and audio jack.  Braided hemp rope guitar strap. 

Supply your own option.......Do you have an old box that has sentimental value? I will turn it in to an instant heirloom!
Let me build one for you!

Post a comment indicating your interest or contact me directly,

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Blues Artists

Clockwise from top left; Albert Collins, Joe Bonamassa, Eric Clapton, Bukka White, Albert King, Pine Top Perkins, Tom Principato, Lazy Lester.

Clockwise from top left; Luther Allison, BB King, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Earle, Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Profile Picture

An early Templar cross.  I chose this image because I believe in the motto that was associated with it;

"Do your duty, at any cost"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Terrific Wildlife Photo

A wonderful photograph taken by my son, Truett.
The photo was taken about 30 yards from my front door!

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20, 2011 Yamanator Progress

After a trial run with the "pot lid" cover, I determined that it was indeed too high.  I happened to have some light gauge aluminum on had, so began constructing a new cover disk.

A Dremel tool and a whole lot of cutting disks later....

A close up of the interior bracing, which supports the top and acts as a backing/fastener point for the interior baffling.  More on this below. 

The lip of the "pot lid" cone sets in the indentations in the bracing.  Four screws hold it in place and prevent unwanted vibration.

Just after making the first cover disk, I strung the resonator to evaluate the sound.  I was getting too much natural guitar sound from the f-holes that tended to drown out that much desired twang from the cone area.  I opted to install some baffling which I will show in the next installment. 

Test drove the resonator with the baffling in place and was pleased with the improved resonator sound.  It has been stripped of hardware and sanded, ready to prime.

Final Thoughts

It is not nor will it ever be a National or the like but it is a very decent resonator guitar for $2.00.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How I spent my birthday

First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you to all my dear friends birthday wishes.  
            GO FACEBOOK!


Wow, what a great way to spend a birthday;
first, with my son's help, a repair project on the old pickup.  A blessing in many ways, working with Truett and saving some money in the process.  Then, Truett and I worked on one of his projects, a knife for a friend.  For more on the latter, see my Family page.


Yamanator Update

Strung the resonator late yesterday afternoon, a few tweaks here and there required but definitely a resonator guitar. More info and pictures on that build soon. 


"The Golden Years"


For the evening; Redbox and the Blue Bell Store,,,,,, well, it is my birthday.  I support the local economy.