Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Windmill Man

In Memory of Norman Luther Finch
May 10, 1917 - November 5, 1994  

At a place amid fields of tall grass and days of a fourteen hour sun, his life's journey began, his race was set to run.  
  Loving parents taught him the things he knew, West Texas values; honest, tried and true.  He learned how to walk and when to make a stand, a simple beginning for the windmill man.
  He was many things to many people; a son, a brother, a life mate, a father, a grandfather then great, a friend to all who knew him with a heart the size of our state.  
  But, oh those windmills, he loved each and every one, the brand didn't matter or even if they would run.
  He loved them all, both old and new, he found strength in their endless cycles and even their quiet times - he loved those too.
  The black disease took his body as his family held him near, we prayed for his spirit and now hold his memory dear.
  Gone but never forgotten and finally boots that fit, a king's ransom I'd gladly pay for one minute more, just to talk and sit.
  Dad, how I grieve at your passing, no one left I must impress, but joy for you, joy for you, no more pain or suffering, only peace and rest.
  Now your days are spent in heaven, listening to the angels sing, always we will cherish the feelings that our memories of you bring.
  And now, according to God's master plan, there is only peace, a special peace, just for the windmill man. 

                                                        I love you Dad,
                                                        May 10, 1995